Goals for Reading Comprehension. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 7-11. Online lessons to help improve reading comprehension and build vocabulary skills. Stephanie, a young schoolgirl, decides to wear her hair in a ponytail because nobody else does so. 2011 / 288pp / Paperback. A longstanding research tradition suggests that comprehension strategies are best taught as tools for reading and learning, so that students acquire and use a repertoire of thinking strategies that further engagement and understanding. Explain that as you read this book, you are going to stop and think about what you are reading and write down a few ideas you have that you might want to discuss with other readers. ISSN: N/A. 79. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Individual factors, such as language proficiency, working memory capacity, and previous knowledge, interact in the listening process and performance. Through The Comprehension Toolkit Stephanie Harvey and Anne Goudvis offer an intensive course of study designed to help intermediate-grade students understand, respond to, and learn from nonfiction text. Distribute index cards to students and make sure they have writing implements. With the teaching and learning focus on comprehension strategies, the Tookit provides a foundation for developing independent readers and learners across the curriculum and throughout the . TextTalk Lesson: Stephanie's Ponytail . It was losing money before Fiona worked there.' 30 'She's a dancer, isn't she . Buy. Reading Level: 2.8 Words: 1000 Questions: 5 Points: .5. Reading Comprehension - Middle School Printables To Kill A Mockingbird—Comprehension Questions READING SECTION #1 CHAPTERS 1-5 1. Hello my chickadees, Today we will be reading Stephanie's Ponytail by Robert Munsch and illustrated by Michael Martchenko. her mom her best friend her teacher her grandma. RLA.O.2.1.8 use meaning clues to aid comprehension and make predictions about content RLA.O.2.10 respond to both literal and interpretive comprehension questions after reading a short story selection that is developmentally appropriate RLA.O.2.1.13 make connections between characters or simple events in a literary work to own life With true Munsch flair, each of Stephanie's ponytails is more outrageous than the last, while the cast of copycats grows and grows. In this literature lesson, students read Stephanie's Ponytail and make predictions, discuss the plot, and review the story by responding to comprehension questions. Brandon's mom = La mamá de Brandon. PDF. Scout arranges things so that "if Miss Stephanie Crawford was watching from her upstairs window, she would see Arthur Radley escorting [her] down the sidewalk, as . The next day all the other kids have a . Uses an integrated range of skills, strategies and knowledge to read, view and comprehend a wide range of texts in different media and technologies. Anne Goudvis and Stephanie Harvey have enjoyed a fifteen-year collaboration in education as authors and staff developers. Recommended for pre-intermediate students who are asked to read the text, correct sentences, answer the questions given and write a small composition. The worksheets include: * comprehension questions * fill in the blanks * vocabulary practice * story analysis * picture practice * story map * crossword puzzle * fallen phrases puzzle * word search There is an answer key included at the end of the PDF file. Written by Robert Munsch. Comprehension Questions Draw a picture of yourself with a crazy ponytail or other crazy hairstyle. Comments and Questions: Cover. Etiquetas: BODY. Ali and Kate are out snowmobiling with their dad when Ali yells "STOP!". This is a 10-page set of worksheets for the story "Stephanie's Ponytail" by Robert Munsch. 79. Next time I would do this before passing out the Chapter two questions so I could assess it through the questions. She can't wait any more; she just has to jump in the snow. answering who, what, where, when, why and how questions. I am a Native English speaker from a Spanish speaking family currently living in the United States. ugly pretty very long brown. Peter D. 79. First published May 1, 1996. Grades 2-8 Stephanie's Ponytail Ben wants to take something really neat to school for show and tell. When she comes to school and her classmates see it, they all yell, "Ugly, ugly, ugly!". ONE: Given a written passage at a X grade level and written comprehension questions beginning with who, what, when, or where, student will read the passage and questions silently and verbally respond to the comprehension questions with 80% accuracy in 4 of 5 trials as measured by teacher collected data. Meet-the-Author Movie. Available in K-2 and 3-6 resources, the Comprehension Toolkit series contains all the curriculum and instructional strategies needed to implement . View Questions about The Ways We Lie by Stephanie Ericsson.pdf from ENG 101 at College of Southern Nevada. Writing Activity:Write about a time when you stuck up for someone. Books by David Shannon. But when she gets to school, the other kids say her ponytail is ugly - ugly, ugly, ugly. A guide to help instructors improve or review their questioning skills is presented, with a focus on devising appropriate questions and interpersonal skills that maximize student responses. • Learn new information and leave tracks of thinking. See more ideas about robert munsch, author studies, stephanie. What do these two things do (their . ISBN: N/A. No comments: . Learn about this fascinating material while practice reading comprehension skills with this worksheet. L ANGUAGE O BJECTIVE: You can do this by writing an explanation/analysis for questions on the story of "Click-Clack the . In this literature lesson, students read Stephanie's Ponytail and make predictions, discuss the plot, and review the story by responding to comprehension questions. It contains simple sentences with beautiful pictures. Jake's house = La casa de Jake. Everyone is copying Stephanie's ponytail! Discussion Questions We'll add publisher questions if and when they're available; in the meantime, use our LitLovers talking points to hlep start a discussion for MIDNIGHT SUN … then take off on your own: 1. They are coauthors of Heinemann's curricular resource series The Comprehension Toolkit. Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. This Spatial Concepts and Story Retell Lesson Plan is suitable for Kindergarten - 3rd Grade. by Michael Martchenko and Robert Munsch. On morning Stephanie told her mom she wanted a different hairstyle than all the girls at school, so she had her mom do her hair in a side . "Dachshund Harry leads the youngest readers through every step of kid-meets-dog etiquette… The line-and-watercolor illustrations are as simple and patient as the text, placing the viewer in a straight-on and consistent position for Harry's how-tos, reinforcing the way the "lessons" build on each other…What is perhaps most engaging about the book is the direct address from dog to . The following unit plan, focusing on Robert Munsch, is intended to strengthen children's attachment to their audience when writing, while also focusing on logical sequencing and legibility. So I went to the school in Durham, Ontario where he was teaching. About the tutor. They have comprehension games, teaching resources/lessons, U . Questioning is a strategy that readers use to engage with the text. Read the passage and answer multiple choice comprehension questions. Kindergarten Reading Comprehension Passages - Your Home Teacher. This is a reading comprehension worksheet for teaching or revising daily routines related vocabulary and the present simple tense. Hello Select your . The type of text that works best has the following characteristics: It is short (e.g., a picture book, short story, or feature article). Publisher Description. Another laugh-out-loud book from the author of The Paper Bag Princess! Yes, it can stop bullets, but it can do so much more too. Kevlar is an interesting synthetic fiber that has woven its way into our lives. Katie's rat = La rata de Katie. The worksheets include: * comprehension questions * fill in the blanks * vocabulary practice * story analysis * picture practice * story map * crossword puzzle * fallen phrases puzzle * word search Worksheet. Similar Worksheets. In this new edition of their groundbreaking book Strategies That Work, Stephanie Harvey and Anne Goudvis share the work and thinking they've done since the second edition came out a decade ago and offer new perspectives on how to explicitly teach thinking strategies so that students become engaged, thoughtful, independent readers. Ask students what they think the story might be about. The worksheets include:* comprehension questions* fill in the blanks* vocabulary practice* story analysis* picture practice* story map* crossword puzzle* fallen phrases puzzle* word searchThere is an answer ke. Grade Level: Kindergarten - 12th. The worksheets include: * comprehension questions * fill in the blanks * vocabulary practice * story analysis * picture practice * story map * crossword puzzle * fallen phrases puzzle * word search There is an answer key included at the end of the PDF file. When Stephanie comes to school with her hair in a ponytail, all the other students told her that her ponytail looked ugly. 'But truth be told, Rob's dad was never much of a businessman anyway.' 'He was trying to build an adventure park,' said Dad, 'bike trails through the forest, and high wire stuff in the trees. Additionally, she creates videos and curricular resources for teachers and kids in grades K-12. Activate and Connect to Background Knowledge. 24 pages, Paperback. I've been teaching Spanish since 2006 and truly enjoy working with adolescents and creating content for my classroom! She likes her ponytail, and she will not let the opinion of others make her miserable. STEPHANIE'S PONYTAIL Publicado por Esther González. read more. Six Comprehension Strategies. Furthermore, the illustrations aptly portray both the home and school settings. Special Offer: Save 30% off our list price automatically when you buy 15 or more. Questioning techniques help the reader to clarify and comprehend what he is reading. Monitor Comprehension. But Stephanie doesn't care. $1.50. Topics: Comprehension, Language Arts, Reading. Essential comprehension strategies and skills are taught to align with each book. And this is a "must" requirement for any who have a little one that wants a book read again, and again. Before introducing questions from text, they need to have a good foundation, things like what a question is and looks like, what words indicate a question (who, what, where, when, why, how) and how these can be answered. This is a 10-page set of worksheets for the story "Stephanie's Ponytail" by Robert Munsch. As readers we need to stop and notice when our questions are answered. . Special Offer: Save 30% off our list price automatically when you buy 15 or more. Reading to Kids is a grassroots organization dedicated to inspiring underserved children with a love of reading, thereby enriching their lives and opportunities for future success. Name Pronunciation with Michael Martchenko. Common Core Standard 2RL.1 Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why and how . English 10 Vocabulary in Context "Click-Clack the Rattlebag" Name: Stephanie Rufiner Date: 09/22/2020 Block: 2 C ONTENT O BJECTIVE: You can make inferences, draw conclusions, and offer analysis on how an author uses literary devices to create meaning in a text. Question 2-----When the kids saw Stephanie's ponytail, they said it was _____. *Price and availability subject to change without notice. Teacher Comprehension, English, Worksheets Comprehension reading 0. Her books include Strategies That Work, Comprehension and Collaboration, and Nonfiction Matters. Describe the following characters/places: a. Atticus Finch— b. Jean Louise (Scout) Finch— . Email This BlogThis! My name is Stephanie, and I am a bilingual English tutor here on Preply. Encourage students to suggest several different ideas, leading them beyond "Stephanie wears a ponytail." . Insatiably curious about children's thinking, Steph is a teacher first and foremost and works in schools on a regular basis savoring any time spent with . In the 1970s and 1980s, many educators and researchers recognized that reading comprehension was not a set of discreet skills that could be taught sequentially through workbooks and . This is a 10-page set of worksheets for the story "Stephanie's Ponytail" by Robert Munsch. Topics: Content Lessons , Engagement , Knowledge , Anne Goudvis , Collaboration , Comprehension , Comprehension Toolkit , Content . Each story provides early readers with a genuine opportunity to practice reading short stories they can decode with early phonics skills and si. Students will describe the main character's actions. More ›. example, Stephanie's Ponytail by Robert Munsch has been used in this lesson. This is a program to be used daily with students in small groups or a few times a week as time allows with small group or 1:1. by. Stephanie's Ponytail by Robert Munsch. ISBN 978--325-06286- / -325-06286-2 / SKU E06286. The dog's collar = El collar del perro. Show them Stephanie's Ponytail by Robert Munsch. But Stephanie is such a strong character and she doesn't care about the kids' teasing. 2015 / 376pp / Paperback. Stephanie's Ponytail by Robert Munsch; . I'm an energetic, overly organized, interactive teacher! Question 1-----Who gave Stephanie her ponytail? 5.0. • Use background knowledge to inform reading. Use comprehension strategies to analyse information, integrating and linking . The Reading Comprehension module is designed to support teaching children in the primary grades to think and understand as they read, listen to, and view texts. Questions that entail knowledge, comprehension, and simple . This is a 10-page set of worksheets for the story "Stephanie's Ponytail" by Robert Munsch. Ten question comprehension quiz A little girl who is determined to strike a blow for nonconformity manages to arrive. Communicate through speaking, listening, reading, writing, viewing and representing. Jan 2, 2020 - Explore Chris Wells's board "Stephanie's Ponytail" on Pinterest. She goes to school the next day and finds all the students . Stephanie's Ponytail. It includes a meaningful theme or topic that will lead to conversation. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Stephanie's Ponytail. The best thing about Stephanie's Ponytail is that the book is fun to read. Illustrated by Michael Martchenko. Save. It deals with a theme or topic that is open to multiple Show cover and read the title. Deep Snow. The worksheets include:* comprehension questions* fill in the blanks* vocabulary practice* story analysis* picture practice* story map* crossword puzzle* fallen phrases puzzle* word searchThere is an answer ke. Title: Text Talk Lesson for Author: Kimberley Trivette Last modified by . I enjoy watching anime, singing while doing errands, pranking scammers, playing Pokemon Go, and enjoy watching different shows on Netflix. Munsch, Robert. ISBN 978--325-04163-6 / -325-04163-6 / SKU E04163. Daily Routines Reading Comprehension Worksheet. The worksheets include: * comprehension questions * fill in the blanks * vocabulary practice * story analysis * picture practice * story map * crossword puzzle * fallen phrases puzzle * word search. Listening Comprehension Level 1 Question 1 - YouTube The Listening Comprehension Test 2 assesses listening through natural classroom situations. The study of skilled listening comprehension shows that listening is a complex, dynamic, and interactive process that enables listeners to understand a message and respond adequately to the requirements of communicative interaction. But when Stephanie declares her next hair style, she tries to shake all of her followers loose. Stephanie's Ponytail. Stephanie's Ponytail came about in 1992 because a friend, Craig Corbett, who was a student teacher, asked me to come to his class and tell stories. Stephanie's ponytail study guide by Gardaskoli_kennari includes 22 questions covering vocabulary, terms and more. (1196). This book is perfect for teachers wanting to develop their students' writing skills. Stephanie's Ponytail by Robert Munsch Student Objective: . Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. The worksheets include: * comprehension questions * fill in the blanks * vocabulary practice * story analysis * picture practice * story map * crossword puzzle * fallen phrases puzzle * word search There is an answer key included at the end of the PDF file. Question 3 Students examine the organization of stories. PDF. Reading to Kids currently works with Gratts, Magnolia, Esperanza, Los Angeles, Politi, White, Alta Loma, and MacArthur Park Elementary Schools (located in Los Angeles, California) to support monthly, school . A Bad Case of the Stripes Book Videos. They use a variety of age-appropriate themed literature with short answer and multiple choice questions with them. Dec 6, 2017 - This packet of NO PREP READING COMPREHENSION for December includes 20 simple stories to help with fluency, comprehension and building reading confidence. $1.50. The tasks reveal students' strengths and weaknesses in integrated language problem solving, reasoning, and comprehension of material presented auditorily. Brandon's room = El dormitorio de Brandon. Munsch captures family and group dynamics. Effective Classroom Questioning. Spatial Concepts and Story Retell. Grade Level: Kindergarten - 12th. Students examine the organization of stories. Stephanie's Ponytail is one such book. Thirty new lessons and new and revised chapters shine a light . Stephanie's Ponytail - Ebook written by Robert Munsch. Stage 3. For Teachers K - 3rd. 5. Exercises feature contextual help for students and measurable results for teachers. PDF. Goodwin, Stephanie S.; And Others. Lessons encourage children to wonder, think, imagine, explore, and create as they write their stories. Get Free Access See Review. Abstract. However, Stephanie is happy with her ponytail and does not care what the other students think. $1.50. 4. So, the story is easy to relate to. Description This is a 10-page set of worksheets for the story "Stephanie's Ponytail" by Robert Munsch. Comments and Questions: Cover. Description This is a 10-page set of worksheets for the story "Andrew's Loose Tooth" by Robert Munsch. Picture Books Childrens Fiction Humor. Assessment tools are included to find out what skill level of High Noon Chapter books to use with your student. Encourage students to suggest several different ideas, leading them beyond "Stephanie wears a ponytail." . Moreover . This is a 10-page set of worksheets for the story "Stephanie's Ponytail" by Robert Munsch. Meet Stephanie. Wh QUESTIONS (1) WINDY NOOK (5) WINTER (1) WOMEN: Women of Modern European Nations (5) Women´s Day (6) World Environmental Day (2) YUREMA MARIN (1) . Description This is a 10-page set of worksheets for the story "Stephanie's Ponytail" by Robert Munsch. Around 5-8 hours of learning and revision opportunities including vocabulary builders, pair work questions, reading, comprehension questions, true or false statements, phrase matching, grammar in context, full class oral activities and class surveys, translations from and to Spanish, essay and oral topic preparation practice including writing for speaking. • Listen to the inner voice and follow the inner conversation. Comprehension: 9+ years 2 Fiona left,' she sighed. Oct 24, 2015 - Take a navigated journey through a picture book! The worksheets include:* comprehension questions* fill in the blanks* vocabulary practice* story analysis* picture practice* story map* crossword puzzle* fallen phrases puzzle* word searchThere is an answer key included at the end of the . Notice and Note: Tough Questions Resource: The Comprehension Toolkit : Ask questions Strategy 3 cluster Our goals will be the following: We want to be able to ask questions as we read and understand that good readers question the text. Hello everyone!
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