God consists of three lords: God the Father, Jesus (the son) and the Holy Spirit/Ghost. The "Dictionary of Religious Knowledge": "Many say that the Trinity is a corruption borrowedfrom the heathen religions, and ingrafted on theChristian faith." Edward Gibbon says in the preface to the "History ofChristianity": "If Paganism was conquered by Christianity, it isequally true that Christianity was corrupted byPaganism. It is totally pagan. The idea was only adopted by the Church three hundred years after the death of our Lord; and the origin of the conception is entirely pagan . 9 Some may wish to consider those explanations before they decide whether or not to believe them. Anonymous 05/22/22(Sun)18:46:27 No. (Elohim) to Pharaoh. The disciples, the first believers in Jesus, were Jews. FOR centuries millions of people have believed the doctrine of the trinity, which teaches that "in the unity of the Godhead there are Three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, these Three Persons being truly distinct one from another. One history source declared: "The origin of the [Trinity] is entirely pagan."—The Paganism in Our Christianity Thoughts on this quote? The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God—but there is only one God. . History of the Trinity. " — (reproduced in The Sermons of Martin Luther, John Lenker, editor, Vol. The Roman Catholic and Orthodox Church Councils (Western and Eastern churches) brought the Trinity doctrine into Christianity. The origin of the doctrine of the Trinity is the Bible . Answer (1 of 14): Yes, the trinity is a pagan concept. Supporters of the Trinity say that it is founded not only on religious tradition but also on the Bible. As we established earlier, the term Trinity comes from the Latin term "Trinitas". jesus crucifixion was a jewish human sacrifice of pagan origin: "i believe that the crucifixion of jesus was regarded by the jews as a sort of human sacrifice, and that therefore the similarity of the procedure described in the gospels to the old sacrificial ritual, far from providing evidence that the story was invented, indicates that the … The three in one trinity doctrine originated from paganism with the worship of the sun and Satan at Babel. The idea was only adopted by the Church three hundred years after the death of our Lord; and the origin of the conception is entirely pagan . The idea was only adopted by the Church three hundred years after the death of our Lord; and the origin of the conception is entirely pagan." . Origin of wedding rings in pagan cultures. Paganism entered the Church at Rome during the early centuries, including the heathen teachings about God. The Occult History of The Templars. The Paganism in Our Christianity: "The origin of the Trinity is entirely pagan." The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge: "The doctrines of the Logos and the Trinity received their shape from Greek Fathers, who were much influenced, directly or indirectly, by the Platonic philosophy. Although early Christian theologians speculated in many ways on the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, no one clearly and fully asserted the doctrine of the Trinity as explained at the top of the main entry until around the end of the so-called Arian Controversy. . The doctrine of the Trinity means that there is one God who eternally exists as three distinct Persons — the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Introduction. Anonymous 05/22/22(Sun)18:46:27 No. The doctrine of the trinity was refined in the third century, but it was never completely divorced from its pagan and philosophical connections. "It must not be forgotten that Jesus Christ never mentioned such a phenomenon [the Trinity], and nowhere in the New Testament does the word 'Trinity' appear. Like the Pentarchy of the first millennium, the mainstream or canonical Eastern Orthodox Church is organised into autocephalous churches independent of each other from a juridical . In this video we expose the pagan Trinity. The Babylonians believed in it, when they divided the gods into three groups, (the god of sky, the god of earth, and the god of sea). Represented collectively by the iconic Cross, it had also adopted other symbols for worship, and surprisingly, most of these are of pagan origin. While the core aspects of the Trinity are clearly presented in God's Word, some of the side issues are not as explicitly clear. Paganism is an umbrella term, meaning it covers a wide range of religions, including: Wicca, Neo-paganism, Asatru, Celtic reconstructionism, Indigenous traditions, Hellenic paganism, Druidry, witchcraft, and more. 'triad', from Latin: trinus "threefold"). The cross Gryphon's Moon, a designer of pagan jewelry, describes the meaning of the triquetra thus: "The number three was significant to the early Celts, who used it to represent the three-fold nature of the Goddess (Maiden, Mother, and Crone), or the Christian Trinity (Father, Son . . The popular term for it today is the Trinity Knot and the Irish Love Knot. (All comments … Press J to jump to the feed. The early precursors to Celtic and Trinity Knots were spirals, plaits, braids, step, and key patterns. In the rites and symbols of the Roman Catholic Church, we can find surviving . "It must not be forgotten that Jesus Christ never mentioned such a phenomenon [the Trinity], and nowhere in the New Testament does the word 'Trinity' appear. The Trinity is Christianity's most unique, defining, incomprehensible, and awesome mystery. The theory, wildly popular with the new religious movements, that the doctrine of the Trinity is of pagan origin, quotes as authority nineteenth century enthusiast Alexander Hislop. And we know that Philo, even though he was a Jewish priest, was heavily influenced by Greek pagan thought. . A Dictionary of Religious Knowledge notes that many say that the Trinity "is a corruption borrowed from the heathen religions, and engrafted on the Christian faith." And The Paganism in Our Christianity declares: "The origin of the [Trinity] is entirely pagan." Thus, in the words of the Athanasian Creed: "the Father is God, the Son is God . In Pagan Rome the same appears to have been the case. Theologians have offered more sophisticated and philosophical ways to understand the Trinity. A Dictionary of Religious Knowledge notes that many say that the Trinity "is a corruption borrowed from the heathen religions, and ingrafted on the Christian faith." And The Paganism in Our Christianity declares: "The origin of the [Trinity] is entirely pagan." One history source declared: "The origin of the [Trinity] is entirely pagan."—The Paganism in Our Christianity Thoughts on this quote? Bible Answered! The origin of the Trinity is entirely pagan. It is also true that pagan cultures used wedding rings. Although misinformation is being told in regards to the strict Christian stance of the Knights Templar, their esoteric identity is hardly ever revealed nor fully uncovered by mainstream . The belief in a triune deity is also very ancient, and can be traced . Arthur Wainwright can find no doctrine remotely resembling the doctrine of the Trinity taught in Judaism, the ancestor of Christianity, until the time of Philo in the first century AD. And after . In this context, the three persons define who God is, while the one . Martin Luther who was the German priest who initiated the Protestant Reformation said, " It is indeed true that the name 'Trinity' is nowhere to be found in the Holy Scriptures, but has been conceived and invented by man. It is the revelation of who our Almighty Creator actually is—not just a god, but an infinite Being existing in eternity as three co-equal, infinite Persons, consubstantial yet distinct. These symbols evolved into true Celtic Knots, those with no beginning or end, by the 7th Century. The three persons are distinct, yet are one "substance, essence or nature" (). Then, the Trinity developed as it is now in Christianity, in the tenth century before Christ. During his studies Newton had come to believe that the central doctrine of the church, the Holy and Undivided Trinity was a pagan corruption imposed on Christianity in the fourth century by Athanasius." In Asiatic Greece the rosary was commonly used, as may be seen from the image of the Ephesian Diana. The Christian doctrine of the Trinity (Latin: Trinitas, lit. The creed that bears his name declares: "We worship one God in Trinity . I asked the 'Internet' if these holidays were pagan and I am giving you one of the 'better' links I found for the simple search "Is _____ pagan?". . / Discussion With A Christian About The Christian Doctrine Of Redemption (2) Re . 2. Furthermore, the Watchtower Society uses revisionist history and flawed logic to try to make a case that the doctrine of the Trinity is "entirely pagan." It was, they falsely claim, carried over into early Christianity from sources such as Egyptian paganism, Hinduism, and the philosophy of Plato. Halloween - Pagan? These "Heritage Motifs" were made in 450 AD by Celts to richly symbolise people, animals, and plants. . Rather, Hislop believed the Trinity to be an accurate . This detail of the Moylough Belt Shrine . The true teachings of the Bible are entirely reasonable and contain no contradictions, which must be rationalized under the heading of "mystery." . . The Trinity is the term employed to signify the central doctrine of the Christian religion — the truth that in the unity of the Godhead there are Three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, these Three Persons being truly distinct one from another. Throughout their brochure, the Society quotes Lamson's book endeavoring to provide support for their assertion that the doctrine of the Trinity "had its origin in a source entirely foreign from that of the Jewish and Christian Scriptures;…it grew up, and was ingrafted on Christianity, through the hands of the Platonizing Fathers." 4. The above quote is very misleading, first it was taken by Arthur Weigall and his book called "paganism in our christianity." Like the Pentarchy of the first millennium, the mainstream or canonical Eastern Orthodox Church is organised into autocephalous churches independent of each other from a juridical . Where do we find objective truth about God. In Platonic philosophy, the Logos refers to a conscious, rational organizing principle of the universe.It is portrayed as a second god made by the Supreme God at the dawn of creation. Trinity is truth! We also gi. For this reason it has no place in the Liberal Protestantism of today. The Trinity doctrine is not unique to, nor original with, Christianity. Plato's "World-Soul" was also known as the Logos, which simply means word. Thus, in the words of the Athanasian Creed: 'The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy . Whether it's Slavic or Nordic gets messy, though. 13361578. Eastern Orthodoxy (or Eastern Orthodox Christianity) is one of the three main branches of Christianity alongside Catholicism and Protestantism.Its theology and practices are similar to those of the early Church. This form of worship was also in Egypt, Greece, and Rome in the centuries before, during, and after Christ. The paganism in our Christianity. Historical records are sketchy and not entirely consistent, but available records generally agree that the Egyptians started the custom thousands of years ago. The doctrine of the Trinity was first formulated among the early Christians and fathers of the early Church, early Christians attempted to understand the relationship between "Jesus" and "God" in their scriptural documents and prior traditions. (pp. The trinity is one of many Pagan concepts which influenced Christian doctrine during the early centuries of the Christian era. This Logos demiurge goes on to create both the material world and all immaterial human souls. Apostate Christianity: "It must not be forgotten that Jesus Christ never mentioned such a phenomenon [the Trinity], and nowhere in the New Testament does the word 'Trinity' appear. "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" ( John 8:32 . 13361578 Critics of the doctrine say that it is not a Bible teaching, one history source even declaring: "The origin of the [Trinity] is entirely pagan."—The Paganism in Our Christianity. How would you explain the Holy Trinity to a pagan or an atheist? "The origin of the [Trinity] is entirely pagan." The Encyclopedia Americana comments: "Fourth century Trinitarianism did not reflect accurately early Christian teaching regarding the nature of God; it was, on . holds that God is one God, but three coeternal consubstantial persons or hypostase —the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit—as "one God in three Divine persons". A Dictionary of Religious Knowledge notes that many say that the Trinity "is a corruption borrowed from the heathen religions, and ingrafted on the Christian faith." And The Paganism in Our Christianity affirms: "The origin of the [Trinity] is entirely pagan." . It is because the triquetra, despite being of pagan origin, were embraced by the Church at a time when all their writings and rituals were conducted in Latin. Supporters of the Trinity say that it is founded not only on religious tradition but also on the Bible. Paganism (from classical Latin pāgānus "rural", "rustic", later "civilian") is a term first used in the fourth century by early Christians for people in the Roman Empire who practiced polytheism or ethnic religions other than Judaism.In the time of the Roman empire, individuals fell into the pagan class either because they were increasingly rural and provincial relative to the Christian . 3, 1988, p. 406) Baptism and the Lord's Supper are both of pagan origin: page 142 Jewish Sabbath and the Sunday Lord's Day both of pagan origin: page 145 The idea of "blood atonement for sins" is of pagan origin: page 163 Jesus "hung on a tree" is of pagan origin: Jesus was lodged in the truck of a tree: page 124 Jesus never actually died: page 97-98 Legions of Pagan Trinities. 197-203). The doctrine of the Trinity has been a divisive issue throughout the entire history of the Christian church. Critics of the doctrine say that it is not a Bible teaching, one history source even declaring: "The origin of the [Trinity] is entirely pagan."— The Paganism in Our Christianity. Critics of the doctrine say that it is not a Bible teaching, one history source even declaring: "The origin of the [Trinity] is entirely pagan."—The Paganism in Our Christianity. A Dictionary of Religious Knowledge notes that many say that the Trinity "is a corruption borrowed from the heathen religions, and ingrafted on the Christian faith." And The Paganism in Our Christianity declares: "The origin of the [Trinity] is entirely pagan." Should You Believe In The Trinity? The Trinity: It may very well be an entirely valid, spiritual, esoteric truth, but Jesus never taught it, it's not in the Bible at all - but worse than that, when the concept of the Trinity is tied to the Jewish God, (which you have to do if you consider the Old Testament part of Scripture) tremendous problems are created. / The Trinity Doctrine Is a False doctrine and it is Unbiblical. Scott Ashley. These definitions express three crucial truths: (1) the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct Persons, (2) each Person is fully God, (3 . It was him who added the middle part, making it a trident. 8. Quotes About The Babylonian Trinity "The necessity to formulate the doctrine was thrust upon the Church by forces from without, and it was, in particular, its faith in the deity of Christ, and the necessity to defend it, that first compelled the Church to face the duty of formulating a full doctrine of the Trinity for its rule of faith" (New Bible Dictionary, J. D. Douglas & F. F. Bruce . THE Trinity was defined more fully in the Athanasian Creed. 'triad', from Latin: trinus 'threefold') defines God as being one god existing in three coequal, coeternal, consubstantial divine persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit, three distinct persons sharing one homoousion (essence). The idea was only adopted by the Church three hundred years after the death of our Lord; and the origin of the conception is entirely pagan . This would make sense to me because Vladimir of Kiev christianized the Rus. In reality, the early Church had to merge itself with pagan practices and beliefs in order to blend into Roman society. . Pagan Origin. The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Ghost is God; and yet they are not three gods, but one God." p. 11 A Dictionary of Religious Knowledge The Origin of Satan. FROM BIBLICAL REASON: Introduction: The biblical basis of the Trinity. Nearly every nation of antiquity possessed a similar doctrine" (Old Truths in a New Light, 1876, p. 382). Still others say paganism is equivalent to satanism, which is incorrect, but as I said before it all depends on who you ask. If the Trinity is true, it is degrading to Jesus to say that he was never equal to God as part of a Godhead. You betcha Of course, this is the name by which we have come to know it, but it does not point to its origins. This trinity doctrine does not make sense and if it does make sense then it should be discarded. 1. We answer the questions - Is the Trinity doctrine in the Bible? Why do Christians believe in a Trinity? The writers of this school contend that the doctrine of the Trinity, as . The Templar Order of the Middle Ages was a originally a Gnostic based order that maintained secrecy of the occult. What this booklet won't tell you is that this whole book is claiming almost all of Christianity is pagan in origin (including what JWs believe). Again, in Judges 11:24, the pagan god Chemosh is called Elohim, and in 1 Samuel 5:7, the pagan god Dagon is called Elohim, yet Christians do not conclude that those gods were . It is associated with Pagan sun worship. It is degrading to Almighty God to call anyone his equal, and even worse to call Mary the Mother of God", the . Alexander Hislop. A Dictionary of Religious Knowledge notes that many say that the Trinity "is a corruption borrowed from the heathen religions, and engrafted on the Christian faith." And The Paganism in Our Christianity declares: "The origin of the [Trinity] is entirely pagan." Thanksgiving - Pagan? But these Anti-Trinitarians wrongly say Trinity is of Pagan origin: Arians (Jehovah's Witnesses, Christadelphians, Unitarians, The Way International) Modalists (United Pentecostal Church, UPCI) Muslims (Islamic) Jews For example, they quote "The origin of the [Trinity] is entirely pagan." This is quoted from the book The Paganism in Our Christianity by Arthur Weigall. [4] Changing Scripture to Suit Their Agenda You betcha. The Indians believe that their Trinity consists of Brahma, Fishna, and Seva, and these three are one. The trinity that is represented by the triquetra is another one entirely. It has deep Pagan roots, dating back to at least two centuries BC, and has been prominent in many Eastern religions ever since. You betcha. Professor Elaine Pagels, well-known for her contributions to the study of early Christian-era Gnostic movements and documents, has produced a gracefully written study of the development and utilization of one of the prominent figures of Christian literature and theology — "the Adversary," the Diabolos, or Satan. It's suggested that the trident has Christian symbolism in reference to the trinity. The necklaces which the Roman ladies wore were not merely ornamental bands about the neck, but hung down the breast, just as the modern rosaries do; and the name by which they were called indicates the use to which they were applied. (Polytheism) Christians did not borrow Trinity from the pagans! In the preface to Edward Gibbon's History of Christianity, we read: "If Paganism was conquered by . Athanasius was a clergyman who supported Constantine at Nicaea. Andrew Norton declares in the book "A Statement of Reasons" that the Trinity originated not from the Bible, but from Platonic Philosophy: "We can trace the history of this doctrine, and discover its source, not in the Christian revelation, but in the Platonic philosophy . THE TRINITY From Biblical Reason and from the Old Testament I. Throughout the ancient world, as far back as Babylonia, the worship of pagan gods grouped in threes, or triads, was common. When the fact of revelation, understood in its full sense as the speech of God to man, is no longer admitted, the rejection of the doctrine follows as a necessary consequence. These histories say the first "ring" was merely grass twisted into a circle. Again, in Judges 11:24, the pagan god Chemosh is called Elohim, and in 1 Samuel 5:7, the pagan god Dagon is called Elohim, yet Christians do not conclude that those gods were somehow composite or "uniplural," or that the . The Roman emperor Constantine the Great, while himself not really a Christian, convened and played a major role in the Council of Nicaea, which laid the groundwork for acceptance of the Trinity doctrine. Stated differently, God is one in essence and three in person. (Elohim) to Pharaoh. Critics of the doctrine say that it is not a Bible teaching, one history source even declaring: "The origin of the [Trinity] is entirely pagan."— The Paganism in Our Christianity. Yet its roots go back much farther in history. 3 Originating in Babylon, . The Christians state that three persons make one God i.e. Nontrinitarianism is a belief denouncing the traditional Christian view of divinity in which God is composed of a trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. "It must not be forgotten that Jesus Christ never mentioned such a phenomenon [the Trinity], and nowhere in the New Testament does the word 'Trinity' appear. Here is a brief summary of the pagan origin of the trinity doctrine.
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