Next, cut the foam to size using an electric knife. Turn under, press and hem the edges of the back opening. If . Cut a 4" tall strip that will run along the front of the cushion cover. Cut out on lines with scissors. Thanks for watching! Remove the foam and sew the Velcro onto the fabric. Cut notches into the seam allowance. Step 5: Cut Out the Top Fabric. Step One Start by measuring the the cushion or piece of foam to be covered. Step 2: Cut the Plate into Two Pieces. Sew the Basic Cover. Straight stitch other sides. After sewing, press the seam (s) open. With a ruler and a disappearing-ink fabric pen, draw 2 squares of fabric with these dimensions; cut out squares. Since the other end of the cushions were going to be against the wall, we folded the extra fabric like a present and marked where to attach pieces of velcro. Foll. Place one side of the Velcro on the outer side of the bottom flap, near the seam, and the other piece on the backside of the top flap, near the hemmed edge. Remove the pins. Use a pencil to trace around the chair seat. This extra inch allows for 1/2″ seam allowances. Learn how to make a cushion cover with Velcro in this video! This fabric is 54″ wide. To make these projects even easier, this video showcases a quick, simple-sew box cushion technique that will help you create a cushion in under an hour. Step 3: Sew down the edge of each end using a 1/2 inch seam. Fold the fabric in half, wrapping it around the cushion. Jack in the Box Quilt Block Tutorial 32K Total Shares. 10. Center the zipper along the center line, keeping the two halves snug to each other. Similarly, what does AT cushion look like? Step 1: Cut Out the Bottom Plate. Simple! After you have mastered the basics you can have fun designing patchwork cushions, using different texture fabrics, adding embellishments, ties and bows, adding . Use a bit different approach for the chair. How do you make a Velcro box cushion cover? Measure all the way around the cushion to the other back corner (this should include both sides and the front of the cushion). To do this, take the folded side and place it on the right of you. Turn right side out and insert the foam block, this . Leave an extra half-inch around the edges for the seam allowances. You will have five parts in total: two body parts and three side parts. Sew the cushion cover. Firstly, measure the width (A) and length (B) of the top surface of the cushion. hot glue. How to Make a Basic Box Cushion (Velcro Flap Closure) Find this Pin and more on Building the perfect box sprung cushion! Leave the back length of the cover open. Complete a Knife-Edge Cushion Cover. Fold the fabric, right sides together, aligning the width (W) edges. Note the extra fabric at each of two front corners of your patio cushion. What You Need This will fit a 14' cushion insert 1 piece of fabric measuring 14½' x 36' Formula to Make Other Sized Cushion Covers I have tested this formula This envelope cushion cover is the easiest cover you will ever make. Mark them up as well as take the measurement. Remember, use your fingers to feel for the piping. Finger-fold a 1/2″ seam allowance along one edge of each half of your zipper boxing. Foam or filler should be oversized by 1% or a minimum of 1/2 inch (1.3 cm). With right sides together pin two backs to the front matching the raw edges and make sure the overlap edges are straight. You just need to do this on one cut edge). Step 4: Mark the folded edge. Step 1 Cut two pieces of cloth into the shape -- square, oval, rectangle -- and size of the cushion. The box bottom end of the cushions is the end that will show on the dinette cushions. Patio Cushion Covers. This is the simplest & fastest method for sewing a cushion cover. I recommend covering the foam or cushion with Dacron upholstery batting to help round the edges of the foam and give it a fuller look. Take that number and multiply it by 2.5. Fold a little of the open in to the inside and stitch across the end, closing up the open end. They actually keep their shape better if you keep the old covers on.) Wrap a fabric tape measure around the perimeter of the form from one side all the way around the form and back to the starting point. Next, cut the foam to size using an electric knife. Step 3: Hem One Length of Each Piece with a 1/2" Seam Allowance. If you apply strips of velcro to the sofa itself, then the corresponding velcro to the underside of the couch cushion, you can keep the cushions secure on the sofa with very little movement, as the hook of . Learn how I make a box cushion cover with a zipper and welt cord in this series of slideshows with a lot of helpful process photos and tips. Pin all the sides of the cushions together, right sides facing. You will need three pieces for each cushion cover: top edge bottom Tip #3 Cut fabric 1″ larger than cushion My cushions were 18-1/2″ wide by 55″ long. Add 1 inch (2.5 cm) to the height and length of the pillow insert for the seam allowance. Sew the gusset to the back piece, leave a gap on the last side of the cushion to allow for the foam block to be inserted. Insert the cushion inner. It closes up tightly with velcro but removes easily when it needs washed. Turn it inside out. Next you'll want to lay out your cushion so that folded over, the fabric covers the cushion from top to bottom. Afterward, peel off the basting tape. . Cut foam the size of your bench. Step 5. Step 1: First of all, find the dimension of the cushion cover, and based on that, purchase a little bit bigger size fabric. 1. Then, divide this measurement in half, and add five inches. Tape a piece of lightweight fabric to the surface of the chair seat and trace around the outline of the seat. How you wish to finish the raw edge of the fabric is up to you. I had bought a remnant of Dwell Studio fabric from my favorite pillow shop on Etsy and I thought it would work well for the space-dark enough to disguise any dirt from little boys! Insert a cushion form or a piece of upholstery foam cut to size into the cushion cover through the gap. Take half of the depth of your cushion covers and remove a 1/2". Make the zipper and boxing panels. Using a ruler and rotary cutter or scissors, carefully cut 1/2" away from your traced line for seam allowances. Stitch all the way along the side and across the top. Wrap a fabric tape measure around the perimeter of the form from one side all around the form and back to the starting point. 1. Attach the Top and Bottom Starting with the top, align the notches you cut and pin right sides together. I cut my 4×6 inch piece of velcro into 1-inch squares. 6. This will give you 24 squares to use between two cushions. Sturdy seams and a strong opening, either a zip or a flap are essential. One of the most foolproof ways to stop couch cushions from sliding is to use velcro strips underneath your seats. Match the seams to the corners if using the four piece gusset. Make sure you straight stitch the other side of the fabric. Pin the fabric together, then cut the circle out. (Here I removed the old cover, but I didn't remove them all. Stitch along the two sides and front of your cover. Remember, use your fingers to feel for the piping. Measure and Cut the Fabric. Create the other box corner pairs. Give yourself several (like 5-6) extra inches tacked onto the perimeter. Make a pattern of the chair seat shape. Remove the current fabric from the cushion, exposing the foam cushion. Cut your fabric. 2. Cut tie in half. Attach VELCRO u00ae Brand Stick On for Fabrics Tape. Sew seam of 5/8 inch (1.5cms) all around. 2. Step 1: Cut. Ultimately, we'll sew those two things together to create our cover. As you may be able to guess, a t-cushion is shaped somewhat like a capital T. More accurately, a t-cushion is shaped like one half of a T, and the two together make the T shape that fits into the sofa or chair base. Remove the old cover if it has one, take it apart and trace all the old fabric pieces onto the new fabric or 2. This will give a neater edge. Learn how I make a box cushion cover with a zipper and welt cord in this series of slideshows with a lot of helpful process photos and tips. Your final pattern will look like a rectangle, even if your pillow is a square. Complete a Box-Edge Cushion . Hand-sew the gap in the seam closed using a needle and thread. You want to use a blade with a serrated edge when cutting foam as it makes it easier to smoothly cut the foam particles. Begin by squaring your edge of fabric (because the yardage you bought is probably not 100% square. Pin the bottom cushion section to the bottom edge of the seat surround, again allowing for a 1/2 inch seam. This will make the ends overlap and the total height should be equal to the height of your cushion. If you wash or change your cushion covers regularly, you will need to ensure they are easy to get on and off. This will be measurement B. Lay the second (back) piece of the cushion cover right side down on your work table. Next, add 1 inch (2.54 centimeters) to the width measurement. Please, like subscribe and leave a comment Enjoy! Because the velcro does not the affect the length, the length will be your finished cushion size. for 20″ square cushions, this would be 20″ + 20″ + 20″ - 3″ = 57″ Burp Cloth Tutorial. Check the fit and make sure you don't have any stray fabric that might have gotten caught while sewing. Sew the Basic Cover. 5 - Try Velcro Strips. On the bottom edge, make marks 3 inches (7.5 cm) in from the right and left sides. Step 7: Insert Foam in Cushion Cover. If you wash or change your cushion covers regularly, you will need to ensure they are easy to get on and off. 1. Make sure it is of brighter color and should look attractive. Pin the squares together, right sides facing. Tape pieces of printer paper together so you can make a pattern. Do the same on the other side. Press. Step 2: Back Pieces. DIY Bench Pad Supplies. Be sure to cut through both layers, these will be your top and bottom pieces of the cushion cover. You need to sew the button on one side of the cover. Press out the seams, before pushing the foam inside the cover, from the shorter end you didn't sew. I used 6 squares of velcro, spaced evenly, to tack down the back portion of the cover, then 3 for each end. You want the taped pieces of paper to be slightly larger than the chair seat. In fact typical sized cushions can be completed in about 30 minutes each. Box Cushion. (Depth in Inches x 2.5 = C) Add this number (C) to the measurements on all 4 sides around the rectangle. Trace a circle onto the stacked fabric. Apply a thin basting tape on both sides of the zipper slider. Complete the Cushion Boxing Pin your zipper casing right sides together to your piece of boxing at both ends. Pop or Velcro Closure: stitch together the top seam from the outer edge in to about 1½" or 4cm. Step 1 Lay down the box cushion that you are going to use. You can use fusible seam tape to finish the edge, or tuck the raw edge under and secure it with . This will be Measurement A. Once you hold the fabric you should have the wrong side facing out. Fold the fabric back along the 1-inch wing you drew in Step 4. Sew this seam approximately 1 inch (2.5cms)from either end as this makes the fastening easier to attached. Iron the seam open. eg. Sew around 3 edges - the 2 longest edges, and 1 of the shortest. As for the other side, take a thin piece of the fabric and fold them in a long pattern. The seams on a mock box cushion are located halfway around the sides, and the corners are simply clipped to square off the cover. The front and back should be right sides together. Start by measuring the length and width of your cushion. Ever so carefully, peel the pinned cover off the cushion. Diy Furniture Plans. Lay paper on the edge of a table and place chair upside down on the table. Method 1: Covering The Cushions With The Fabric. Magic Pillowcase Tutorial (AKA Burrito Pillow/ Roll-Up . Step Two Add 1″ to the overall length and width for the seam allowance. Gently unpick the corner seams 1/2 down. Any time I can, I cut fabric using a rotary cutter, cutting mat, and acrylic cutting ruler. Pin the fabric together at both corner so it is taut against the cushion. Take the end of the middle band and fold it over twice, about an inch each fold. You can sew up box cushions for window seats, benches, banquettes, patio sets, cockpit cushions and more! Repeat as needed depending on the length of your cushion cover. Open the zipper and turn the cover right side . . Stitch both ends of the side panel together so it is closed in the back. Cut foam the size of your bench. Place the foam on top and trace around it. Measure for the length of your fabric from that end to the other end and cut. . Sew the two pieces of material together. Now pin your zip in place and sew. Sew across the zip. With a fabric marker, mark the folded edge of your cushion cover the entire length of your fabric. Now, sew the end of the formed portion, and you will have your DIY button. Place the zipper end of the zipper piece against your folded piece like this, so the zipper right side faces the fold and the fold faces the zipper. Trim off the corners at an angle. Butt the folded edges of the two boxing halves against each other. Make a couple of back stitches at the beginning then sew the zipper down. Cushion Tutorial. For the corners, I cut 4" x 26" strips (see diagram) and pinned them to both the top and bottom then sewed all around to form corners. At first I had gotten out my sewing machine to sew the cover but, you know me-I had . Stitch along the two sides and front of your cover. 1. In addition, measure the depth of your cushion. Use a measuring tape to determine measurements for a couch cushion. Then cut your fabric as shown above. Intended width of finished cushion. Patio Cushions. This attaches glue to the zip. In bottom cushions, the arms of the T wrap around the base of the armrest. Zipper Foot. I cut my top and bottom pieces at 19-1/2″ wide x 56″ long. 1. Measure your cushion and your pattern. Magic Pillowcase Tutorial (AKA Burrito Pillow/ Roll-Up . Trace the size of your bench seat onto the foam with a marker or pen using a ruler. Repeat in the opposite direction on the top of the foam, measuring from front to the . Step 4: Sew on the Velcro. Make sure that the "top" side of both pieces of cloth are facing each other. Ensure that you open the zipper before doing this. Tape across the boxing & zipper, about every 3-5 inches. The cushion pad can now be inserted inside the cover. Pin the top piece matching the corners right sides together and pin. Turn right sides out and press. With the velcro sewn in place it is very easy to secure the slip cover in place over the original . There is no faster way to make a cushion cover and still get gorgeous results. Make the zipper and boxing panels. You can quickly and easily make box cushions following this DIY tutorial. by Nicole Kriebel. Fold the fabric, right sides together, aligning the width (W) edges. Sew the zipper in place. Sew the cushion cover. 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